#SundayMorningMotivation What Can We Learn From Older People

We can learn a lot from older people on how to live life. Let's face it... THEY HAVE DONE IT! It's also normal to think that you've got forever when you're young. That feeling of being invincible, your gut telling that you have to live your own path... but keep these 4 things in mind.

  1. Not asking for help. Asking for help and advice actually makes your seem SMARTER, not dumber. Don't be afraid to ask. You don't and you can't figure everything out on your own.
  2. Trying to make bad relationships work. Love relationships and friend relationships. Putting your time in on a good relationship is worth it. Some spend huge chunks of our lives trying to fix bad ones which ends up wasting both people's time. So sometime a clean break is good. JR ADDENDUM: Please take the time out for the important people in your life. Sometimes work is more important, but not all the time. Also...take the time for the relationship for yourself. You can't be the BEST you when your priorities are wrong.
  3. Dwelling on your mistakes and shortcomings. Learning from them is great! Dwelling on them wastes time and messes with your self-esteem. It can also hold you back.
  4. Worrying too much about other people. What they think of you, being jealous of the things they have that you want, etc. We tend to focus a lot of our energy on other people instead of ourselves.

Something else to add to this, when you hear about older people who are about to pass on, they usually don't think about their possessions they earned, their job, they think about the people who they love, who love them. How they helped other people. Who helped them.

Things to think about it. Have a great week! Thanks for reading.


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