Man Eating A Breakfast Sandwich Gets Detained and cuffed for "Eating"

It's against the law to eat on Bay Area Rapid Transit, a law that apparently extends to the train platform. That's something many locals don't know, including Steve Foster. A BART police officer was caught on video last Monday detaining Steve for eating a breakfast sandwich as he waited for his train to get to work; the video features the officer repeatedly telling the man, " You're eating. It's against the law." Meanwhile, the Steve and his girlfriend, who was recording the video, repeatedly ask where it is posted that food is not allowed on the platform itself. Eventually, three backup officers arrive, handcuff the man because, they tell him, he's resisting arrest, and then lead him through the station to a private room.he was eventually released and issued a citation.Foster told ABC 7 that other people on the platform were eating and drinking, but the officer targeted him. BART General Manager Bob Powers, has apologized to Foster, according to the Associated Press.

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