Mad At A Business? Call Them Out On Social Media. You're Not Alone

People like to voice their opinions through social media, which means that’s where they come when they want to find out about business and that’s the exact place where they come to share views about their favorite shows, political views or just an interesting event. 

Most of the brands have seen extreme backlash through social media because it is open, free and cater masses. In most cases, customers feel that calling out a brand on public platforms has earned them a better and quick response as compared to the time when they use official complaint services.To know more about this, a recent study was conducted by WhoIsHostingThis, where a sample of 1,000 individuals was evaluated to know how effective it is to use online platforms for voicing complaints.

The aim is to get a quick response and according to the study, most individuals like to use

  • Facebook (61 percent)
  • Twitter (30 percent)
  • and Reddit (11 percent) when they want to complain about something.

Apart from this, the study also provided a detailed insight into social media marketers' perception and how they analyze their competitors in the market. The study explained that 51% of the users have claimed that they have written a review about a company on their online platform. Out of these, men (53%) are more likely to call out a brand than women (50%). When generations were compared, it was concluded that millennials (53%) were more likely to use social media as a platform for calling out brands as compared to baby boomers (44%) and generation x (52%).

Source:Digital Information World

Photo: Getty Images

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