The Germiest Place In Your House Is Not Your Bathroom

If you're a compulsive cleaner, then you probably pay extra attention to areas in your bathroom. That's great and it should be a focus area, but according to microbiologist Charles Gerba (known as Dr. Germ), a public health professor at the University of Arizona, there's more fecal bacteria in your kitchen sink then there is in your toilet after you flush it. Turns out your kitchen is the germiest place in your home overall just because we prepare foods that spread salmonella and E-coli Ask yourself, "when was the last time I sanitized the refrigerator, bleached the kitchen sink or scrubbed the microwave handle?" And the winners for germiest items in your kitchen are the kitchen sponge or rag, counters surrounding the sink and cutting boards. Do you wash your towels every 3 to 4 days? You should. E-coli grows quite well on towels because they're wet. And, it's hard to get rid of the bacteria if you wash your towels in cold water. That goes for Kitchen towels too.

Ebola Virus

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