Jonathan Reed in the Afternoons on 104.7 WNOK in Columbia, SC


Clean Out Your 'Facebook Friends'

Why wait until Spring to start 'Spring Cleaning?' You can begin over the weekend of deleting the Facebook 'friends' that you currently have.

Who makes it and doesn't? It's tough to decide but here are some guidelines that you can follow.

  • Anyone from junior high or high school that you don’t actually remember- Social media is great for connecting you with people you lost touch with, but it can also put you in touch with those you don’t remember in the first place. So if you have no memory of that girl from fifth grade, there’s no shame in unfriending her like she never existed, because she kinda didn’t.
  • The random person who pops up in every Facebook conversation and is rude to other commenters- It’s clear they’re hurting for human interaction and will say just about anything to get it, but if they make you and everyone else uncomfortable, it’s time to make the cut.
  • The practical stranger who stalks your page- She “likes” all your photos and comments on every status update, but you don’t even know her that well. No need to feel awkward about it, just step back and unfriend.
  • The person who is really into sharing their racist/homophobic/sexist views- Sure, you could just hide their offensive rants from your timeline, but getting them off your friend list once and for all will feel so much better.
  • Your ex’s family members- At some point, your ex’s relatives will unfriend you, so why not beat them to it and save your feelings? It’s time.
  • The person you went out on one date with- There’s no good reason the person you met for a beer once and no sparks flew should have that much access to the details of your life and with one little click, they won’t.

Source:The Frisky

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