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> April 2020
Walmart staff found not wearing masks after 23 test positive for COVID
Doorbell camera catches delivery driver playing hopscotch
Man's Diet Coke and Mentos challenge on TikTok fails and goes viral
Silly Walk Zone On Sidewalk Is Bringing Joy To Michigan Neighborhood
Video shows 1000 people attending massive house party in Chicago
Texas man tells story of surviving COVID-19 after losing his father to it
Fort Myers police form line of hearts with patrol cars to salute front line
Farm sanctuary will let you invite a llama or goat to your Zoom meeting
Zoom call for African American students at UofSC interrupted by racist
Georgia woman recovers from coronavirus in time to celebrate 100th birthday
Mom puts note on daughter's back to shut down coronavirus shamers
Loyal K9 partner becomes protective of partner's newborn baby
93-year-old beer lover gets special delivery from Coors
Man arrested after high speed chase trying to teach pit bull to drive
K-Pop star Jaejoong of JYJ pulls coronavirus prank for April Fool's Day